Published in the Huffington Post Another Mother’s Day is in the books. It is my 44th. For thirty-one years, the day was dedicated to honoring my mother. In my 32nd year, we welcomed Sally, our first child. Whoa did Mother’s Day change! It became so much more special and relevant...
The $600,000 Vacation
Published in the Huffington Post This vacation was out of control. Their room was $5,900 a night. The helicopter ride cost $36,347. They spent more than $1,000 a day on drugs. It was like nothing I’d ever heard of before. Last summer, my friends took their family to Virginia. They...
No Sh#* Sherlock
Published in the Huffington Post No sh*#, Sherlock. How fun is this phrase? C’mon, you’ve used at least once in your life. You know . . . the answer or outcome is so completely obvious that you sit in awe of someone doesn’t know it. I remember it being popular...
Do You Believe in Destiny?
Published in the Huffington Post. Do you believe in destiny or are you one of those “that’s just a coincidence” kind of people? Let’s say you’ve been dying to go to a concert and your friend calls at the last minute to invite you. Destiny or coincidence? What if you...
525,600 Students
Published in the Huffington Post Let’s be honest. If you clicked on this post, you did so because you recognized the number in the title. I borrowed it from Rent. Love that musical, and especially the song: “525,600 minutes — how do you measure, measure a year? In daylights, in sunsets,...
The NFL is at it, Again!
Published in the Huffington Post Do remember the horrifying headlines from last year? Ray Rice knocked out his fiancée. Adrian Peterson was indicted for child abuse. Tom Brady lied about deflating balls. Well, my blog post has nothing to do with these stories. There are over 2 million Google hits...
Mother’s Day After Losing a Child
Published in the Huffington Post Holidays are big deal in this country, and my family is no exception. We got little packages for Halloween and Valentine’s Day, and big packages for birthdays and religious holidays. In fact, some birthdays felt more like birth weeks. It was good because holidays represented...
The One Shining Moment of March
Published by the Huffington Post I love this time of year. My colleagues strut around the office pretending to know who is going to win the NCAA Tournament. They spend countless hours on the web studying bracketolgy, only to lose to someone who knows nothing about basketball, but likes the...
Our Children Rarely Die
Published in the Huffington Post Rare is defined as seldom occurring or found, uncommon. There are only 24 known manuscripts of the Magna Carta. There are only 4,480 black rhinos left on the face of the earth. This past Thanksgiving, the Grand Canyon was filled by an inversion cloudthat only happens once every 10 years. Rare...
Go Krimson for Kids
Published in the Huffington Post February is American Heart Month, and there is no shortage of events promoting cardiac health. We do it. This past weekend, Simon’s Fund hosted its annual gala called Simon’s Soiree: An Affair From the Heart. However, unlike most, our event was focused on bringing awareness to heart...