A Heartfelt Mission

Simon’s Fund honors a tot whose sudden death has long-lasting impact on research

Rachel Vigoda
Jewish Exponent Feature
March 10, 2011

Simon Prushan, 12, is getting ready for his Bar Mitzvah this fall. He’s learning the aliyahs, practicing his Haftorah portion — and setting up heart screenings for students in the Radnor School District.

For his mitzvah project, recommended for all Bar Mitzvah-age members of Main Line Reform Temple, Beth Elohim in Wynnewood, Prushan teamed up with Simon’s Fund (simonsheart.org), a local nonprofit that aims to prevent sudden cardiac arrest in kids by raising both awareness about heart conditions and money for heart screenings.

Prushan’s goal is to organize a day of screenings for 300 Radnor students next month and to convince the athletic department at his school, Radnor Middle, to make screenings mandatory for all student athletes.